Never Back Down
by Ro Santus
Since Mar 22, 2020 05:00 UTC
Back in 2017 I screwed up pretty badly and lost everything that I had the business, home, relationship all gone. As I sat there on the floor of my sisters front room with 49 pence in my pocket, I looked at my two boys and knew I had to get after it. Four months later I had enough money to get us a run-down flat in the centre of Bristol. It wasn’t pretty but it was a start and a place that would help me to find myself again. The next few years were seriously tough struggling to get the business off the ground, keeping the lights on and food on the table. People talk about survival mode but until you actually go through it, you can never really know. I battled all sorts of issues from debt collectors, choosing between electric or food, suicidal thoughts, being a father and trying to find myself again. It was a rollercoaster of emotions that the universe clearly wanted me to go through. Now three years just as the foundations were built, a global pandemic wiped me out again. So now I am back at square one only this time armed with a new set of skills and a mentality to Never Back Down. I’m going to share with you the journey of what I learnt in the last few years and also what I am doing now to rebuild my business and life. I’m going, to be honest, with you share my story and break down techniques so that you can apply it. It will mainly be a solo show but I don’t know everything so from time to time I will bring a guest on that I believe will benefit you. That’s it take it as you will and all I can say is give it a listen. I battled enormous self-doubt to get this episode out. The story I share is only an overview of where I am coming from and over future episodes, I will dive much deeper into the strategies. But I believe that the current state the UK is in right now and the continuation of the lockdown. It seems fitting to start with one of my top thoughts and lesson that I learnt the hard way. If you have questions I encourage you to reach out to me on Twitter here:
Categories: Business, Society & Culture
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